Sunday, November 27, 2005

Ryan Stuff From The Past Week

Ryan McLelland takes a look at an indy superhero title you've probably never read, but you might want to give a try...

Ryan McLelland is back with his indy spotlight, this time casting it on Bob Lipski's quirky and funny Uptown Girl...

NEWSARAMA HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE (My 3 recommendations for the holiday season):
Ryan McLelland says…

(1) The Complete Calvin and Hobbes - Sure it may seem a bit pricey at $150 but how can you put a price on one of the best comics ever? EVER. With 3 hardcovers that total 1,440 pages you get to read every single Calvin and Hobbes comic ever done. Think you'll get bored reading? I don't think so. Think you'll never want to reread them? I think not. Think they'll be something you can enjoy over and over again? Absolutely.

(2) Uptown Girl DVD - Local Minnesota filmmaker Ben Mudek decided to adapt Bob Lipski's Uptown Girl comic book into a short film. The result was a combining of two actual issues of the comic and made into a great 25-minute feature. Uptown Girl is one of my favorite indy comics and the film brings nothing but love to the 'small screen'. The DVD includes commentaries by Mudek, Lipski, and the cast, deleted scenes, outtakes, and more. Seeing an indy comic on screen has never been better.

(3) Ranger Danger T-Shirt - Clerks is one of my top 10 movies of all time (easy since I'm from Jersey and once slaved in a video store). Now Kevin Smith has gone and filmed a sequel to the movie that started it all for him. In the film sequel Randal, played by Jeff Anderson, wears a Ranger Danger t-shirt. Ranger Danger has been the long talked about sci-fi project that Smith has been talking about doing. The t-shirt itself brings out a great retro Flash Gordon feel that simply

Ryan McLelland is a staff writer for and author of the upcoming series Philly.


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