CBM #3 Up Today!
CBM #3 is up today! Big thanks to Alex Robinson and Chris Staros of Top Shelf for their interviews. I'll be posting Alex's full interview tomorrow here and Chris's interview later on in the week.
As all can see from the above picture, two (hopefully) familiar characters will be guest starring in one of the stories. The first is Cerebus who will play a very small role in the story. For those who don't know who Cerebus is, the character was created by Dave Sim and was the title character in a 300 issue mini-series just recently completed. The other character is Captain Jack, the main character from animator Mike Kazaleh's 'The Adventures of Captain Jack' published by Fantagraphics in the late eighties. The two take part in a story titled 'Spirit Animal' which features Servo (also featured above in the picture) being schooled in the art of women. The above art is done by 'Spirit Animal' artist Scott Kellogg. How this all came to be will be featured in CBM #4.
As the columns are starting to catch up to the present, I will be getting more into submitting and self-publishing in the next couple weeks. Submitting is the easy part, it's self-publishing that I have no clue with. No better way to learn then to just toss yourself into the fire.
Also this week I'll start previewing some prelim art from one of the stories while introducing a biography of that particular artist. I'm not sure who that will be yet, but I'm sure I'll figure it out by Friday.
There is also a small piece on Fantastic Four: Foes up that I wrote for Newsarama. I do lots of stories on writer Robert Kirkman and I can tell you that the man is a class act and his books are just phenom. If you aren't reading Invincible, well, shame on you. Kirkman's books are wonderfully written and this latest miniseries looks to keep his streak going.
Lots to come! Tune in tomorrow for the interview with Box Office Poison's Alex Robinson.

As all can see from the above picture, two (hopefully) familiar characters will be guest starring in one of the stories. The first is Cerebus who will play a very small role in the story. For those who don't know who Cerebus is, the character was created by Dave Sim and was the title character in a 300 issue mini-series just recently completed. The other character is Captain Jack, the main character from animator Mike Kazaleh's 'The Adventures of Captain Jack' published by Fantagraphics in the late eighties. The two take part in a story titled 'Spirit Animal' which features Servo (also featured above in the picture) being schooled in the art of women. The above art is done by 'Spirit Animal' artist Scott Kellogg. How this all came to be will be featured in CBM #4.
As the columns are starting to catch up to the present, I will be getting more into submitting and self-publishing in the next couple weeks. Submitting is the easy part, it's self-publishing that I have no clue with. No better way to learn then to just toss yourself into the fire.
Also this week I'll start previewing some prelim art from one of the stories while introducing a biography of that particular artist. I'm not sure who that will be yet, but I'm sure I'll figure it out by Friday.
There is also a small piece on Fantastic Four: Foes up that I wrote for Newsarama. I do lots of stories on writer Robert Kirkman and I can tell you that the man is a class act and his books are just phenom. If you aren't reading Invincible, well, shame on you. Kirkman's books are wonderfully written and this latest miniseries looks to keep his streak going.
Lots to come! Tune in tomorrow for the interview with Box Office Poison's Alex Robinson.
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