Friday, January 14, 2005

BIO: The Makma Boys!

MAKMA is a studio over in France headed by my good buddy Edmond Tourriol. MAKMA has been a big part of Wise Intelligence, drawing two of the stories, one of the covers, and some of the lettering. Alot of this couldn't have been done with Ed's help and a great friendship has come from us working together. Nicolas Meylaender (with inks by Christophe Hénin) drew the Typical Fratboy story while Sid was the man responsible for the two-page story titled Invincible. Here's some short bios on the guys and some samples from their respective stories, including uber-letterer Ben Basso.

Sid is a storyboard artist. He has worked on Zak Raven (Angel Gate) and Captain Canuck (Lightningstrike Publishing).

Nicolas Meylaender used to work as a game designer in the videogame industry (Sony Psygnosis, Atari) but he wanted to work in the comic book field. He has written three short episodes for THE DARKNESS (Top Cow). As a penciler, he has worked on GUNPLAY with inker Chris Hénin.

Christophe Hénin is a creative designer (for furniture or other boring stuff) but he loves working on comic books. Right now, he's penciling and inking an episode of THE CROW for a French publisher (Réflexions).

Ben Basso has lettered many Studio MAKMA projects including Gunplay, Captain Canuck and Sierra Caliente.


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