Monday, January 03, 2005

CBM #6 Up Today!

Welcome to any readers who surfed over from Newsarama today. CBM #6 was posted and dealt with my first looks at self-publishing by talking to Lulu and ComiXpress about print-on-demand comic books. It all seems quite interesting how they do I'm eager to see what the results will be should I go that route.

Tomorrow I'll be posting another artist bio then later in the week publishing the full interviews from ComiXpress and Lulu, so you can read everything and anything that was said.

6 stories of the anthology are done...though one is going to be greyscaled by my main man HC. 2 stories need to be scanned...and only 2 stories left to go before this bad boy is completed.

Come back tomorrow to learn more'm not sure who we'll learn about next, but be here to find out.



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